How do I get a part-time job while studying?
There are plenty of part-time jobs and work experience opportunities for Queen Mary students and graduates. These jobs can be both on and off the university's campuses. Our QM Careers Hub includes a database detailing available job vacancies. This database is frequently updated by Queen Mary's Careers and Enterprise team.
A popular part-time job opportunity is to work as a Queen Mary student ambassador. This is a great way for students to earn money by representing Queen Mary in various settings. Student ambassadors can fit their work around their studies and examination timetables.
Another popular choice is to do part-time jobs via our Students' Union, Library, Q-Motion (our gym), or one of our cafes or retail outlets.
Queen Mary students and graduates also can consult our Careers and Enterprise team regarding CV checking, interview preparation, and general careers exploration via one-to-one appointments.
As an international student, can I work part-time?
Most students entering the UK on a Tier 4 (general) student visa are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours a week during term-time. This figure is usually printed on your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP). Please note that if you are studying on a course classed as below degree level (e.g., International Foundation and English Language courses), you are only permitted to work a maximum of 10 hours a week.
You can work full-time out of term-time. For undergraduates, your out-of-term-time will be your Christmas, Easter and summer vacations. If you are studying on a one year taught postgraduate programme, your vacations will usually be limited to Christmas and Easter.
More information can be found here.